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  • Pest Management

    This section helps your to identify, pro-actively, and re-actively manage pest insects in your garden.

  • Building Your Garden-Irrigation To Pest Management

    In this course we look at the various techniques we can implement in order to create a well watered, easier to maintain, and bio-diverse garden. Trellis systems, support structures, hand watering to drip lines. Pest identification and management. This course will give you the head start to stay on top of your garden needs before they arise.

  • Irrigation and Infrastructure

    All about irrigation! Drip, soak, overhead. The why's and why not's. This section will help you figure out which system is right for your space.

  • Early Spring Garden Overview and Cold Season Crops

    Prepping your space, maintaining seedlings, first garden plantings, season extension, tools and equipment. These are all the topics we cover in this mini course. I hope this inspires you to extend your season and more out of your garden!

  • Spring Garden Preparations For A Strong Start

    Spring tasks, early planting, what to plant(?!), extending your season, weeding, composting, tilling(or not!), best garden tools. All these topics are covered in our 6 chapters designed to help you put your best foot forward for your garden season.

  • Spring Season Extension

    Getting your cold hardy crops planted even earlier! There are a number of different ways we can extend our growing season. Many of us wait until we are well into spring before planting the garden. This does not have to be so! At the farm I start planting outdoors in late March every year. That can be six weeks before my last frost date! You can do this too, click on the pdf below and learn how!

  • Mulching

    Mulch is a great way to reduce weed pressure, prevent erosion, retain moisture, build your soil, and more! This section "breaks down" the different mulches you can use and why you might choose one that suits your needs best.

  • Compost

    One of my favourite topics! I love the magic of compost, the process, the result, it's all so fascinating! In this section i discuss the various types of animal compost with their different attributes to help you decide what is best for your garden.

  • Tilling, Weeding, and Garden Tools

    In this section we discuss the pro's and cons of tilling versus not tilling. We go over weeding methods and the various tools you will need for the season.

  • Welcome!

    Welcome! Thank you for joining my Spring Garden Preparation For A Strong Start! In this mini course we are going to learn how to: Extend your spring growing season Determine which crops are best for those cooler temperatures of April and May The benefits and types of mulch you can use in your garden space Compost choices and what they bring to your soil and plants Tilling, weeding, and our favourite tools for everyday use at the farm By the end of this course I hope you have the knowledge and confidence to execute a plan in your spring season that will give your vegetable garden its best start. While we do not have live workshops or 1:1 calls in this course, I do want you to feel free to reach out to me if you have any burning questions that do not get addressed through your curriculum. Email is the best way to get a hold of me. You can reach me at In the meantime, I hope you enjoy all the information I have in store for you. Have fun, get creative, and enjoy your time in this course! Your Farmer, Hanna

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