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- Module 4 - Early Spring Garden Tasks
Module 4 - Early Spring Garden Tasks This module takes us into our first round of outdoor seeding. We will also learn about extending our growing using by bringing to together cold season crops, plant protection methods, and planting schedules. There are so many more weeks we can add to your growing season in both the spring and fall. This can add great diversity to both your garden and your plate.
- Seed To Table Online Workshop
The first of our two workshops for this course. We discuss various aspects of our first 4 modules, and explore what is to come in the second half of our course. Each workshop is filled with Q&A and collaboration. If you have any questions that do not get answered during this workshop, please leave them in the discussion portion of this lesson and I will do my best to address them. I hope you enjoy this workshop and I look forward to exploring the remainder of this course with you all.
- Module 5 - Building The Garden
Building The Garden - Irrigation, Infrastructure, and Pest Management
- Module 5 - Pest Management
In this section we learn how to proactively manage garden pest, identify species, and reactively manage issues when they arise.
- Module 5 - Beginning Seed Saving
We come back to seed saving at this time in our course for those of you that are working on incorporating this task aspect into your own gardens. We will do a deep dive into this topic in Module 7.
- Module 1 - Creating A Strong Foundation
Module 1 - Creating A Strong Foundation - Garden Design And Soil Health Get to know your soil! Understanding your soil is one of the first steps in creating an abundant garden. The following titles will help you to identify your soil type, soil structure, and begin to build the frame work for your growing space.
- Module 2 Your Blueprint - Crop Plan And Schedule
Creating Your Crop Rotation Assignment The remainder of this chapter focuses specifically on creating your crop rotation. We will compare short rotation(4 year) to long rotation(8 year). Weaving together nutrient takers, nutrient givers, and moderate requirement crops as they precede and follow each other. We will then begin to introduce ally planting options as well as plant enemies to aid in creating a more whole and symbiotic growing space. Thrown into the mix, some soil prep preferences specific to each crop family. As you move through the remaining slides think about how you can apply this information to these three questions: 1.How many years do you want to include in your rotation? 2.How many different plant families do you want to grow? 3.Do you have the required space to do everything you want? At the end of this module, please send in a copy of your crop rotation/garden plan. Remember! This is not the finished product yet and there will likely be many edits before planting season, so have fun with it!
- Module 3 - Overview And Guidelines
Enjoy this 30 minute video tutorial where I discuss a little about all the aspects of seedling production. This is a session I ran last year and I'm sure it will spark some questions for you all. Please leave them in the comments section and I will address them over the coming week. We will also be doing a recap of this and our other modules during our live workshop on.